Web Press 山の上 



[Western] Modernism, which over the course of less than forty years gradually yet rapidly abandoned artistic aspirations towards literal realism(現実主義) and depictive representation(描写), in favor of fragmentary abstraction and often crypticクリプティック conceptualism.




Bataille attributes this accelerated evolution of Art – and its “ren[unciation] of the real world” – to a more general cultural need for “extreme states of being”, which he argues cultivate a healthy sense of “freedom”, both individually and collectively. In this sense, he formulates that the contemporary function of Art is to provide society with extra-ordinary experiences outside those of direct action, which lead to “extreme states of being” – of disorientation, potential revelation, possible epiphany and prospective redemption – now that religion no longer serves such purposes.





In 1932, the photographer Ansel Adams firmly declared, “In a strict sense photography can never be abstract, for the camera is incapable of synthetic integration.” Yet since the turn of the millennium, as digital technologies have advanced and almost entirely subsumed包括 the creation of photographic images at a blistering猛烈な pace, the camera (and its associated technologies; today image-oriented software such as Photoshop rather than the traditional darkroom) is now certainly more than capable of “synthetic integration”, and artists such as Carlsen are taking full creative advantage of such advancements.




Initially, Carlsen began his career as a photojournalist and crime-scene photographer, but then quickly turned away from using photography as both an act and a representation of “direct action”, instead building his artistic reputation by turning both the aesthetics and traditions of such “evidential” and “documentary”-oriented practice on their head through the use of seamless, digital photographic manipulation. In his debut body -of -work as an artist, WRONG (2008-–2010), Carlsen presented a series of freakishly異常に、意表を突く surreal, hallucinogenic and often disturbing black-and-white photographic scenes in which the “real world” has been transmogrified via Photoshop into an surreal hyper-reality, haunted by globular小球体、球状の monoliths, bug-eyed creatures, trans-species multi-headed monsters, crudely constructed wooden-legged cyborgs and more.




